I have discussed how the Para Adumah is used to recall the time before death and risk. The time when we there was no loss of potential needed to drive us to make the good. The Para is never worked because mankind didn’t need labor in order live. It is red like Adam or the… Continue reading Chukat
Month: August 2013
Raise their heads. It has a double meaning as mentioned before with Joseph’s dreams. But it also reveals what we’re doing here. Why are all these names and numbers recorded? What does it have to do with us? Perhaps nothing. Perhaps the merit of being in this ‘census’ is that these people’s names and their… Continue reading Bamidbar
If we look at ancient models of civilization we see two archetypes. The bottom up model (Aristotle, individual liberty systems, organic growth etc…) and the top-down model (Plato, the Republic, Communism, central control etc…) where people have jobs assigned to them. The Torah has both models. The people and creativity occupy the bottom-up model –… Continue reading Naso
The Levi shaves his entire body. This is a massive difference from the Nazir who grows his hair. Why? These are two distinct paths to holiness. The Levi is designated as Holy by Hashem. As part of this, they lose part of their individuality in order to fit Hashem’s designation and serve as holy flight… Continue reading Beehalotcha
People suggest Hashem was angry about the spies. But there’s no evidence of that – after all Yohoshua sent spies. He’s angry about their report and how the people react. Why did they report the way they did? I used to argue that they reported as they did because Moshe asked all the wrong questions.… Continue reading Shelach
Moshe doesn’t go to Hashem for advice. Instead, he independently decides the test to be used. Why this test? Let’s consider the people involved. The Torah says they are ‘men of repute.’ The word used is ‘shaim’ or name. They care about their NAMES. They are the opposite of Moshe. So what does Moshe ask… Continue reading Korach
I have discussed how the Para Adumah is used to recall the time before death and risk. The time when we there was no loss of potential needed to drive us to make the good. The Para is never worked because mankind didn’t need labor in order live. It is red like Adam or the… Continue reading Pinchas
This is the only extensive area of Torah told from the perspective of others. It reminds me of Sisera’s mother. It is fundamentally empathetic, but it also shows the shortcomings of our enemies’ thoughts. Here, Moab are farmers and Midian shepherds. And Israel is a barbarian horde who kill entire populations. They spread fear and… Continue reading Balak
There is a strange thing that occurs three times in this parsha. Women are identified by their father’s names. The first of these instances involves Kozbi daughter of Zur. She is identified for two reasons. First, she is Midianite – just like Moshe’s wife. Her name shows she wasn’t Moshe’s wife. Second, her title indicates… Continue reading Pinchas
Kedusha is timelessness. There is no risk in Kedusha just the maximization of a soul (even through an animal’s sacrifice) in their connection to the timeless. An oath is a commitment. It is a human shadow of G-dly timelessness. This is why the word Chal (same as Chilul Hashem) is used. We can desecrate our… Continue reading Mattot-Massai